A fast and reliable method for daily quality assurance in spot scanning proton therapy with a compact and inexpensive phantom

Medical Dosimetry, 2017, 42, (3), pag. 238-246

Bizzocchi N1, Fracchiolla F1, Schwarz M1,2, Algranati C1.

1    Azienda Provinciale per i Servizi Sanitari (APSS) Protontherapy Department, Trento, Italy.

2    INFN-TIFPA, Trento, Italy.

In a radiotherapy center, daily quality assurance (QA) measurements are performed to ensure that the equipment can be safely used for patient treatment on that day. In a pencil beam scanning (PBS) proton therapy center, spot positioning, spot size, range, and dose output are usually verified every day before treatments. We designed, built, and tested a new, reliable, sensitive, and inexpensive phantom, coupled with an array of ionization chambers, for daily QA that reduces the execution times while preserving the reliability of the test. The phantom is provided with 2 pairs of wedges to sample the Bragg peak at different depths to have a transposition on the transverse plane of the depth dose. Three "boxes" are used to check spot positioning and delivered dose. The box thickness helps spread the single spot and to fit a Gaussian profile on a low resolution detector. We tested whether our new QA solution could detect errors larger than our action levels: 1 mm in spot positioning, 2 mm in range, and 10% in spot size. Execution time was also investigated. Our method is able to correctly detect 98% of spots that are actually in tolerance for spot positioning and 99% of spots out of 1 mm tolerance. All range variations greater than the threshold (2 mm) were correctly detected. The analysis performed over 1 month showed a very good repeatability of spot characteristics. The time taken to perform the daily quality assurance is 20 minutes, a half of the execution time of the former multidevice procedure. This "in-house build" phantom substitutes 2 very expensive detectors (a multilayer ionization chamber [MLIC] and a strip chamber, reducing by 5 times the cost of the equipment. We designed, built, and validated a phantom that allows for accurate, sensitive, fast, and inexpensive daily QA procedures in proton therapy with PBS.

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