Thursday, 19 September 2019

The construction of a more efficient healthcare system, capable of providing targeted services and putting the citizen-patient at the centre, can only pass through digital transformation, capable of making access to healthcare services a simple and direct experience. The experience of the Provincial Health Services Agency could not be missed at Trento Smart City Week, the event dedicated to "citizens in the digital age": a journey to discover the innovative services and projects of today and tomorrow, to learn about opportunities but also responsibilities.

Apss will be present with a stand at the Digital Village in Piazza Duomo from Friday 20th to Sunday 22nd September to illustrate the Protontherapy Centre, thanks also to the suggestions of virtual reality and to help citizens to install the Apps dedicated to health. There will also be space for the new website dedicated to vaccinations, the "local" declination of the national portal. There will also be moments of in-depth discussion with experts in digital health and online services. It will also be possible to visit the Protontherapy Centre, the highly specialized facility for the treatment of cancer with radiation.

The staff of the Protontherapy Centre on Saturday 21, from 9 am to 1 pm, will guide visitors along a journey starting from the gantry rooms, dedicated to the treatment of cancer patients, and leading them to discover the areas housing the cyclotron, the enormous system that carries and releases the proton beam, to the experimental room devoted to research. The visits, which must be booked on the Trento Smart City website, will be organized every 60 minutes for groups up to 15 people. A bus will shuttle between the Center and the Digital Village (meeting at the Info Point in Piazza Duomo).

Another opportunity to learn more about the Centre's activities will be Friday afternoon (4:30PM) at the Digital Village: led by a radiotherapist and a medical physicist, participants will be able to embark on a fascinating journey that, taking its cue from virtual reality, will explore the intersection between high technology, science and medicine, to reach the final destination: the benefit of the patient. The Apss stand it will provide information about the activity carried out by the Centre and experience the visit of the structure with ProtonVR viewers and cardboards.

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Provincia autonoma di Trento, in conformità con l'art. 13 della Legge 196/2003 e successive modifiche, dichiara che i dati personali qui raccolti hanno finalità di registrare l'utente, attivare nei suoi confronti il servizio richiesto e fornirgli informazioni sull'attività ed i servizi del Centro di Protonterapia, nonché sulle iniziative e le attività promosse dallo stesso. Tali dati verranno trattati elettronicamente in conformità con le leggi vigenti; si garantisce la riservatezza degli stessi e che non saranno oggetto di comunicazione o diffusione a terzi. L'interessato può esercitare in qualsiasi momento i diritti di cui all'art. 7 della suddetta legge (accesso correzione e cancellazione dei dati), rivolgendosi a Provincia autonoma di Trento,
Via Al Desert n.14, 38123 Trento


+39 0461 1953100

HOURS: Lun - Ven | 8.30 - 16.00