The Trento Proton Therapy Centre is a highly specialized facility dedicated to treating tumours through the use of sophisticated and innovative technology.
Proton Therapy is a type of precision radiation treatment that uses heavy particles - protons - to irradiate tumour cells.
The proton beams are able to release the doses with extreme precision, saving the surrounding healthy tissue. The therapy requires particle production equipment - the cyclotron - and a beam transport and release system. During therapy, the patient is positioned on the treatment bed inside the gantry, the structure that directs the radiation by rotating 360° around the patient. The Trento Centre is equipped with two treatment rooms for patients and one for experimental use and research, with a fixed beam. The Centre is one of the operating units in the Hospital of Trento and is part of the Department of Oncology. It began its clinical activity in October 2014.
Radiotherapy is one of the most important pillars of modern tumor treatment, combining excellent antitumoral activity with optimal patient quality of life during and after treatment, resulting in encouraging overall cure rates within todays multimodal/multidisciplinary tumor therapy framework.
Novità per i pazienti dell’Alto Adige che necessitano di trattamenti di protonterapia. È stato deliberato lo schema di accordo tra l’Azienda provinciale per i servizi sanitari del Trentino e l’Azienda sanitaria dell’Alto Adige per l’erogazione di prestazioni di protonterapia a favore dei pazienti residenti in provincia di Bolzano. In sintesi l’accordo, stipulato in base a “Accordo di confine tra le Province autonome di Bolzano e Trento nel settore salute 2022-2024” prevede l’accesso ai trattamenti di terapia protonica senza autorizzazione preventiva dell’Asl ma solamente con prescrizione del servizio sanitario nazionale e nullaosta, sulla base di specifiche indicazioni cliniche, da parte del Servizio di radioterapia oncologica dell’Azienda sanitaria dell’Alto Adige.