
The Trento Proton Therapy Centre is unique in the country and is open to international collaboration. It was designed to have two lines of protons dedicated to clinical treatments, with a rotating gantry, and a third, fixed line that is used for experimental activities.

The presence of the third line of protons for experimental use enhances the centre as a national and international research facility for both scientific activities dedicated to improving radiation therapy and for research and development projects that require the presence of a beam of protons.

The beam of protons on the third line is used in:

  • basic experimentation in the radiobiology and oncology fields, consistent with the daily activity at the Proton Therapy Centre;
  • R&D far from medicine and closer to strategic industrial sectors such as aerospace, the “radiation hardness” for electronic devices, the development of detectors, or performing tests of materials.

The scientific activity at the Proton Therapy Centre is supported by certain national and local research organizations that have signed an agreement for the use of the machinery for basic and applied research activities:  

In the agreement between these four organizations, scientific strategy, research projects, and, more generally, management and access to the experimental room are governed by two special committees that meet periodically:

  • Comitato Permanente di Raccordo (CPR) or Joint Standing Committee
  • Program Advisory Committee (PAC)
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Provincia autonoma di Trento, in conformità con l'art. 13 della Legge 196/2003 e successive modifiche, dichiara che i dati personali qui raccolti hanno finalità di registrare l'utente, attivare nei suoi confronti il servizio richiesto e fornirgli informazioni sull'attività ed i servizi del Centro di Protonterapia, nonché sulle iniziative e le attività promosse dallo stesso. Tali dati verranno trattati elettronicamente in conformità con le leggi vigenti; si garantisce la riservatezza degli stessi e che non saranno oggetto di comunicazione o diffusione a terzi. L'interessato può esercitare in qualsiasi momento i diritti di cui all'art. 7 della suddetta legge (accesso correzione e cancellazione dei dati), rivolgendosi a Provincia autonoma di Trento,
Via Al Desert n.14, 38123 Trento


+39 0461 1953100

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