Dedicated to children

The proton therapy centre specializes in treating paediatric tumours and often hosts children and teens at its facilities. Young patients are at Trento from 4 to 6 weeks and receive daily treatments. This means spending a long time away from their loved ones, normal routines, and points of reference. Along with the physical difficulties in having to receive treatment, there is also the emotional difficulty, with obvious repercussions on the treatment path and on life in general. Therefore, it is obvious that it is important that children be welcomed into an environment that is attentive to their well-being and needs.

The Trento Proton Therapy Centre has invested a great deal in aspects related to welcoming children and their families, setting up areas dedicated to the children, and promoting specific initiatives to enhance the stay of children awaiting treatments. This helps improve the quality of the time children spend in a hospital environment.

An area dedicated to the specific needs of children, to encourage diversified play experiences, is already in the planning phase. A symbolic play corner, construction area, and reading area have been organized.
There are various recreational activities offered to children, from pet therapy to robotics laboratories, to reading books aloud. Shortly there will be other activities including music therapy and clown therapy.

A dining area for children and their families was also set up along with a treatment simulation room where the doctors use a model that reproduces the treatment room and CAT in order to explain and prepare the children for the various medical stages of the treatment.

During treatment, the child receives special attention. The doctor goes into the paediatric waiting room to accompany the child into the pre-treatment or anaesthesia room (for children under six).

Thanks also to the contribution of associations, children and their families receive psychological support and help in researching information that can help them organize their stay in Trento, from the various housing possibilities to activities in the area to pursue in their free time.

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Provincia autonoma di Trento, in conformità con l'art. 13 della Legge 196/2003 e successive modifiche, dichiara che i dati personali qui raccolti hanno finalità di registrare l'utente, attivare nei suoi confronti il servizio richiesto e fornirgli informazioni sull'attività ed i servizi del Centro di Protonterapia, nonché sulle iniziative e le attività promosse dallo stesso. Tali dati verranno trattati elettronicamente in conformità con le leggi vigenti; si garantisce la riservatezza degli stessi e che non saranno oggetto di comunicazione o diffusione a terzi. L'interessato può esercitare in qualsiasi momento i diritti di cui all'art. 7 della suddetta legge (accesso correzione e cancellazione dei dati), rivolgendosi a Provincia autonoma di Trento,
Via Al Desert n.14, 38123 Trento


+39 0461 1953100

HOURS: Lun - Ven | 8.30 - 16.00