From fiction to reality: the stars of Braccialetti Rossi (Red Bracelets) visit the Trento Proton Therapy Centre

Saturday, 08 April 2017

Today they visit the cutting-edge tumour care centre at the Santa Chiara Hospital

Thoughts, greetings, and personal reflections: the stars of Braccialetti Rossi, the popular Rai television series, now in its third season, created a memorable experience for the young patients at the Trento Proton Therapy Centre. They were invited by the Trentino Film Commission for Educa, the education festival under way in Rovereto dedicated to the theme “Passages”. 
In this case it was a passage between television fiction and reality in a supportive sharing of one of the most difficult moments people can experience in their lives, being faced with a serious illness. This was well understood by young actors Pio Luigi Piscicelli (Tony), Daniel Tenorio (Chicco), Maria Melandri (Margi), and Nicolò Bertonelli (Bobo), stars of the TV series co-produced by Palomar Di Carlo of Esposti con RaiFiction, who this afternoon visited the cutting edge tumour treatment centre in Trento.
Welcoming the group was Provincial University and Research Councilwoman Sara Ferrari; Director of the Centre, Maurizio Amichetti; Mario Cristofolini, with a few volunteers from the Trento Province Section of the Italian League for the Fight Against Tumours; and President of the Trentino Film Commission, Giampaolo Pedrotti.

Councilwoman Ferrari stressed that today’s significant meeting occurred in a place that invests in research and innovation to ensure that hope for curing illnesses, particularly in young people such as those represented in the series by these young actors, can have a positive response.

The young stars of Braccialetti Rossi followed Director Amichetti with interest as he illustrated the cutting-edge machinery used for the treatment, the patient preparation procedures, and the various treatment areas in the Centre. They also told of how their television show made them aware of the illness and suffering, but also of the importance of friendship, solidarity, and even cheerfulness in alleviating such difficult moments for everyone, especially children

The TV series, which was very popular during its three seasons, with peaks of 7 million viewers, covers stories of children with severe, and sometimes terminal, illnesses. Braccialetti Rossi, directed by Giacomo Campiotti, is the Italian version of the Catalàn series Polseres Vermelles, inspired by the true story of Spanish writer Albert Espinosa who was diagnosed with cancer at age 10 and survived, later writing a book about his experience.

The Trento Proton Therapy Centre
 Proton Therapy is a type of precision radiation treatment that uses heavy particles - protons - to irradiate tumour cells. Treatment with protons is particularly indicated in difficult clinical situations such as lesions near sensitive organs, in complex anatomical regions, in the case of tumours whose shape and volume makes them difficult, and during childhood.
The Centre is one of the operating units in the Hospital of Trento and is part of the Department of Oncology. It began its clinical activity on October 22, 2014. About a year ago the second treatment room was opened, which allowed an increase in the number of patients who could be treated on a daily basis.

Images and photos by the Press Office

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