Proton therapy is a type of special treatment indicated for treating tumours that have developed near critical organs or delicate structures like the brain, heart, or spinal cord.
Unlike the x-rays used in conventional radiation therapy, protons can be controlled to make sure the radiation hits the tumour cells with extreme precision, safeguarding the healthy tissue surrounding them.
This accuracy can be particularly advantageous for both patients with recurring tumours, especially those who have had a previous radiation treatment, and those who have a high long-term survival probability. The risk of tumours being induced by the treatment with protons is less than with conventional radiation therapy.
Questa accuratezza può rivelarsi particolarmente vantaggiosa sia per i pazienti che presentano tumori recidivati, soprattutto per coloro che hanno subito un precedente trattamento radiante, sia per quelli che hanno un'alta probabilità di sopravvivenza a lungo termine. Il rischio di tumori indotti dal trattamento con protoni è inferiore a quello della radioterapia convenzionale.