What is involved in the treatment?

A proton therapy cycle consists of administering multiple doses of radiation during weekly therapy sessions, performed daily from Monday to Friday based on what was defined in the specific treatment plan. Generally, a cycle lasts five to six weeks.

Daily treatments are performed based on the indications received from the medical radiation technicians at the gantry, the treatment room.

Proton Therapy is a precision radiation treatment that uses heavy particles, protons, to irradiate tumour cells. The physical characteristics of the proton beams allow extremely precise dose delivery, thus preventing the involvement of the surrounding healthy tissues.

To deliver the therapy, a particle production device, or cyclotron, is required along with the beam transport and release system.

During the treatment, the patient is positioned on a bed inside the gantry, the structure that directs the radiation by rotating 360° around the patient.

The Trento Proton Therapy Centre is equipped with two treatment rooms for patients and one for experimental use and research, with a fixed beam.

Useful information

Patients do not need to fast in order to undergo proton beam therapy. If fasting is required, the medical staff at the Trento Proton Therapy Centre will inform the patient.

During treatment, the patient may be in contact with their family members, including children, and conduct a normal work and social life.

The patient may feel particularly tired and need to reduce or modify their activities and daily habits, especially during the conclusive stages of the therapy.

Treatment calls for several sessions and it is recommended that they be performed without interruptions. If treatment must be suspended due to technical or medical reasons (possible side effects) or for major personal problems, the Trento Proton Therapy Centre guarantees the complete recovery of the sessions that were not performed.

Evaluation of the clinical case The choice to undergo a proton therapy cycle is up to the patient, in agreement with the physicians at the operating unit, and is authorized following the...
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Simulation of the proton therapy treatment Before the patient undergoes the actual therapy, a treatment simulation must be performed.The patient must report to the Proton Therapy Centre on the date...
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Treatment and checks On the days dedicated to the proton beam therapy, the patient will be greeted and accompanied to the treatment room by the medical personnel at the Trento...
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Provincia autonoma di Trento, in conformità con l'art. 13 della Legge 196/2003 e successive modifiche, dichiara che i dati personali qui raccolti hanno finalità di registrare l'utente, attivare nei suoi confronti il servizio richiesto e fornirgli informazioni sull'attività ed i servizi del Centro di Protonterapia, nonché sulle iniziative e le attività promosse dallo stesso. Tali dati verranno trattati elettronicamente in conformità con le leggi vigenti; si garantisce la riservatezza degli stessi e che non saranno oggetto di comunicazione o diffusione a terzi. L'interessato può esercitare in qualsiasi momento i diritti di cui all'art. 7 della suddetta legge (accesso correzione e cancellazione dei dati), rivolgendosi a Provincia autonoma di Trento, uff.informazioni@provincia.tn.it.
Via Al Desert n.14, 38123 Trento


+39 0461 1953100

HOURS: Lun - Ven | 8.30 - 16.00